Project #1
Sense of Place - January 26, 2011
We see a character get out of bed, go to the restroom, and then move to the kitchen to get a cup of water.
I wanted to show an individual in their living space and moving about it in a normal way; however, I am drawing focus to the smaller details of each space instead of giving a full view of a room. My intent was for the audience to identify with and get a sense of each place to which the character moves as he travels from one mundane day-to-day event to another.
My main idea started with how places are identified by people through our senses.
This was my first time using Quicktime to edit video and I would like to learn more about using transitions and sounds in using this program. I would have liked to have added certain sounds to certain clips; but, I'm not sure of how to take sound out of a clip and add another