Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Sense of Place

When a person is in a place, everything that has occured to that person up until that point will affect that individual's perception of that place. What occurs to that individual in terms of what they see, hear, feel, smell, and think makes that person in tuned with their surroundings. This is a sense of place.

A sense of place can also mean that a person enters into a place and it draws their mind to another place. For example, when you bite into a York Peppermint Patty you get the sensation that your on top of a mountain. This would be an extreme example but I think you get the idea.

-where things are located
- what smells are there and where are they coming from
- what does the temp feel like
- what does this place remind one of/ what other places remind you of this one
- what is the mood
- what do we come in contact with
- How do we change/affect what is within a place
- How would one recreate this place in one's mind/ what is most important?
-where is the place located in relation to other places
- what is the significance of a place at a particular time

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