Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pitch for Short Film

Conflict in relationships
  • secrets
  • ignoring problems
Our two main characters are Brook and Sean. They are a young couple living together and, from the outside, their relationship seems pretty normal. They have their share of problems, as most couples, but lately Brook's behavior has changed and Sean is about to learn a deadly secret about his girlfriend that threatens not only their relationship but their entire lives. Brook Confesses to Sean that she thinks she murdered someone. In this emotional outpour Sean comforts his girlfriend and this situation brings them closer together as a couple.


Female in her early twenties. She loves to take pictures with the camera that her boyfriend gave her for her birthday. She thinks that she is very good at keeping secrets from people. The problem is that she reveals them with her face. Now more than usual, her detached emotions and shaky responses make it very easy for her boyfriend, Sean, to see right through her.

A sports-loving guy in his early twenties. He has been in a relationship with Brook for about two years and lately he's started to ignore her more and more. He isn't too bright, which is why he didn't pick up on his girlfriend's behavior before; however, one incident causes him to do some snooping and he finds something, among Brook's things, that shocks him.

  • characters' apartment
  • park where crime took place (large ditch)
Act I
Shows how the relationship between the two characters is failing.
Sean ignores Brook wanting attention
Her behavior is weird but he brushes it off

Act II
Sean walks in and finds Brook freaking out and she wont tell him why.
Later he goes through her things and finds that the camera he gave her is broken

Sean asks Brook about the camera and she finally pours out the story of what happened.
as she talks we flash back and forward from the struggle to her talking to Sean.
He comforts her and this kind of sick story somehow makes brings them closer.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stanley Kubrick : The Shining

For this assignment I chose to watch the Shining; mainly because I had never watched it before and from watching the clips from it in class really peaked my interest in seeing the whole movie. Also, my group and I decided to shoot our most recent project to attempt to mimic the style of shooting that Stanley Kubrick used in directing this film. The Shining uses many shots directly in front or behind the actor, with the actor moving directly toward or away from the camera. Symmetry is a big element when it comes to the setting and character placement with this film. The rule of thirds is broken many times placing points of interest in the center of the shot. Even when using shot-reverse-shot the character of interest in placed in the center with the rear-facing character almost out of the shot on the side. Long halls and large rooms are elongated by the symmetrical settings (sometimes moving inward and outward). Shots are setup almost like a photograph. This draws in the audience into the center. These elements, along with beautiful lighting, really accent the grim and stomach-sinking feeling of the film.

Group Project #3

Concept: Espionage, part 2. Character A continues to act like she doesn't know Character B is following her.

Logistics: Front of Auditorium doors, hallway, stairwell, hallway near mailroom

Shot 1(Wideshot)
Character B watches Character A enter and exit scene.
Shot 2(Wideshot)
Character A walks towards camera while Character B watches her.
Shot 3(Wideshot)
Character A walks away from camera while Character B watches her
Shot 4(Bustshot)
Character B's eyes following from camera right to left.
Shot 5(Close Up)
Character B's face following from camera right to left.
Shot 6(Wideshot)
Character A walking down hallway from camera. Character B follows after.
Shot 7(Wideshot)
Character A walking down hallway toward camera. Character B follows.
Shot 8(Low Angle)
Character A walking up stairs, drops papers. Character B picks it up.
Shot 9(High Angle)
Character A walks up stairs, drops papers. Character B picks it up, smiling.
Shot 10(Low Angle)
Character A walks up stairs followed by Character B.
Shot 11(Mediumshot)
Character B comes through doorway
Shot 12(Mediumshot)
Character A waits for Character B. Trips Character B.
Shot 11(Mediumshot)
Character A tripping Character B. Character B falls towards camera.
Shot 12(Wideshot)
Character B on ground along with file.
Shot 13(Closeup)
Character A tripping B.
Shot 14(Wideshot)
Character B on ground. Character A picks up paper.
Shot 15(Wideshot)
Character A walks off.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Concept: Espionage. One character tries to steal important papers from another character; only to be pick-pocketed.

Logistic: Library, hallway, and classroom

Shot 1(Wide shot)
Character A sitting reading paper.
Character B eases in scene from corner.
Shot 1.2(Close Up)
Character A reading paper
Shot 2 (Medium Shot or bust Shot)
Character B peeking around corner.
Shot 3(Insert)
Important paper on table.
Shot 4(Close up)
Character B's smirking.
Shot 5(OTS)
See Character B over Character A's reading.
Shot 6(Wide shot)
Character A looks at watch then gets up and walks away.
Shot 6.2(Close Up)
Character A looking at watch.
Shot 7(Wide shot)
Character B rushes and grabs paper, looks around, runs off screen.
Shot 7.2(Close Up)
Character B grabbing paper.
Shot 8(Close Up)
Character B putting paper in purse.
Shot 9(Bust shot)
Character B in different area. Searches for paper in purse. Worried look.
Shot 10(Close up)
Character B realizes something.
Shot 11(2 shot)
Character B walking to right camera, passing Character A.
Shot 12(2 shot)
Character A walking to left camera, brushing against Character B, smiling.
Shot 13(Medium shot)
Character B smacks head and shakes it and leaves room.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crit on Critique- Sense of Place

After hearing and reading what my peers had to say, I decided to make many changes to my project. I had mistakes such as: shadows, logos, shaky shots ext. The scenes in the bedroom and kitchen do seem a bit unneeded, so I'm going to focus more so on the bathroom and water.
Previously I had a few too many ideas trying to cram into one piece. Keeping it simple is my best bet with this particular project. When I added more I really confused my audience and my main goal needs to be to clearly get across my point.
The shots of minor details really interest me so I want to push that idea farther. Getting a sense of a place without actually seeing the place as a whole interests me because the audience gets involved with putting the pieces together themselves.
I want to focus on water and its place in a normal bathroom. I'm thinking of this as kind of a "stop to smell the roses" thing, just in a bathroom.
My revision is not at where i would like it to be; however, I've picked up a few tips during my critique that will help me further improve this project and to
