Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Script Breakdown

This is a story that happens all too often. Young couples live together and despite how bad the relationship has become, despite the faults that they both have, they continue to stay in these bad relationships. Both characters have bad qualities (the male more so than the female) but I want to show more so how some women would rather stay in a bad partnership than be alone.

Opening scence
Serves to show that this is a young couple living together and that they have been together for a while. We are also introduced to Max, their dog, who serves to show difference in the way Brook treats her boyfriend and her pet.

First evening- Food conversation
This scene serves to show how small conversations with this couple somehow turn into an argument. This also is a rising action that will feed the later, larger argument.

Finding Camera
When Sean finds the camera in bad shape, this brings rise to how the argument will start.

the argument where everything comes up

falling action
Brook calming down and calling Sean to come home

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